Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Gender Inequality Essay

In the 21st century women are more educated and powerful than they have ever been. They are integrated into every work sector, from labour intensive jobs, middle class jobs up to the highest professional engineering, medical, legal and political positions. However, there still remain high gender inequalities within the workplace, which will be covered in this report through several articles and studies in respects to top management positions and payments imbalance. As gender inequality is not a specific event rather a continuously forming process from the beginning of the humanity until present day, and beyond that. To understand the current state of affairs we have to firstly talk about the processes which have occurred during the past. Historic context: Several studies talk about the division of labour between men and women already in the prehistory. All the evidence shows that from the very beginning, women had the simpler and easier jobs, which was manifested in fruits, eggs and berry gathering, while men had the more dangerous and intensive duties such as hunting and fishing. The subordinate role of women had already appeared in that time. According to anthropologists, the nomadic lifestyle continues as hordes’ communities, women had the role of carrying the pickings, while men were waiting for any attacks from outside the community. As women were not able to protect themselves while carrying the foods, men became the protectors of the community. Although there were some warrior women, who were called â€Å"amazons†, they still are physically weaker. As race preservation is a function of women, when they became pregnant they were not able to support both the community and their duties together, within the hordes eyes, they were considered of no significant importance and the infants and young children worsened this situation. They had to be supported (fed, protected) which slowed down the community, but in the same time until a certain age the horde had no important role for them. However the prehistoric humans had no knowledge about the biology of insemination, therefore they considered the pregnancy as a magical wonder. This is evidenced by the first artworks, for example the female statues which they highlighted the body parts referring to fertility, of which the best known is the Venus of Willendorf. Nevertheless after time they have realised that, the participation of men is also necessary to fertilization and women lost the surrounding admiration, therefore they became even more subordinated. Later in history, several communities with the emergence of the ancient slavery society and monogamy had become widespread. All the men could have only one wife yet posses several bond slaves. Women could have sexual relationship, only with their husbands. If they breached this rule it had serious consequences. Men regarded not only their slave women as their property, but also the female members of the family, over whom men controlled absolute power. In the early feudalism era, the Church had said women cannot be equal to men, as God created Adam first from his own image and only after this created Eve from the ‘rest of the materials’. Women have been created for men, and not inversely. Further more women have to consider their husbands as God. In the middle Ages children had been socially educated to respect their fathers more than their mothers. The male children, from a certain age received adult rights, to treat their mothers and sisters in the same manner as their fathers. They thought women had to been given constraints and rules, as Eve was who anathematized the humanity, so women had to be chastised for it. Men had to penalize women as a duty, even if it was associated with pain. The only rule which was accepted was that the woman could not die. In the 17th century in America, woman took taking care of their families an important responsibility. Women and men were working together on their agricultural lands. While they catered their families, they also worked on markets, where they could sell the remaining crops or some weaved clothes, thus they earned some respect. Women and men have shared not only the jobs, but also the wages. In the 18th century, as the economy has shifted from the agriculture to the industrial economy the world of home and work had got totally separated. Women were forced back to their homes and lost all their social respect. With the occurrence of industrialization, the role of women focused on the duties around the house, or they became industrial workers, for much smaller salary though, as women were treated as inferiority. The most terrible situation was in the lead industry. They have not used protective equipment; therefore lead poisoning was a very frequent workers disease. Women were afflicted by death, poisoning, paralysis; their children were still-born many times. At the beginning of the 19th century women were ignominiously exploited. Their wages were not enough even for their basic needs. A survey in 1889-93 shows that in France a workwoman received half of that wage, what a workman received for the same work hours. In 1918 women’s salary is half of the men’s in America. The women’s wages rose between 1911 and 1945, although they were less than men’s wages. At the beginning of capitalism, new work opportunities appeared. Women occupied the agriculture, the industry, the trading, the banks, the insurance companies, the offices and the freelance positions. This process accelerated the unemployment during the 1st and 2nd world war, worldwide. Emancipation in the UK: The sequences of events are roughly the same in many western countries. In some enlightened states (e. g. New-Zealand, Australia, Finland and Norway) women received franchises before the 1st world war. In other countries, struggles have started, but nowhere were as dramatic as in England. In 1903 Emmeline Pankhurst got to the edge of the movement fighting for women’s right to vote. These suffrages interrupted political meetings, chained themselves to fences and were sent to prison as they were not willing to pay any financial penalty. When the 1st world war broke out, most of the suffrages suspended the fights, and the women who filled in the jobs (instead of the fighting men) coped successfully. This allowed women voting rights from the government, by destroying the stigma surrounding women’s inequality instead of facing the movement again. After the war the US and several European countries undertook similar reforms. Another movement inspired from the UK was created called â€Å"Woman’s Lib for life† created in the US back in 1960s which spread through Europe. This ideology was called â€Å"feminism†. Feminism talks about gender equality, but also about sexual abuse, rape and abortion. Feminists succeeded to reach equal opportunities in political, legal, demographical, educational and employment rights. Nevertheless the practical applications of the laws often meet difficulties, even if their enforcements create special executive and examiner bodies. In many parts of the world, women’s most elementary rights are still missing, in many societies they cannot even choose their spouse. In present days, in the most enlightened countries such as the UK, the distance between females and males in employment decreased significantly, but still women face forms of discrimination. Present: In our days, more and more women take part in higher education. After graduation they try to find a job, build their career what they have to interrupt as their biological clocks are ticking and near their career plans they don’t want to give up building a family. During their pregnancy normally they become less capable to cater their work in full-time. After their pregnancy they have the right to take a maternity leave with the thought of they can return to their job without any discrimination. However, this is not so simple. In the 21st century as in most of the tolerant countries, as in the UK the unequal and inequitable treatment of employees on the basis of gender i. e. sex discrimination in workplace is illegal. If it can be proved by the employee, the employer could probably face a serious penalty. Discrimination can be classified in two ways. One of them is based on suffered disadvantage e. g. nequal payment, discrimination because of pregnancy or maternity leave, inequality in the scale of employment and different treatment and progress opportunities within workplace. Direct and indirect discrimination: The other classification group divides discrimination according to insulted party as an individual (direct), or a specific target group (indirect). Direct discrimination is â€Å"where an employee or prospective employee is less favourably treated because of their race, sex, marital status (including civil partnerships), religion, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age, disability, pregnancy or maternity† (CompactLaw, 1996-2013). As it revealed from the most recent article from the Guardian about sexual discrimination â€Å"women are suffering escalating levels of illegal discrimination at work when they get pregnant, and are often made redundant while they are on maternity leave, according to a new poll. The figures show one in seven of the women surveyed had lost their job while on maternity leave; 40% said their jobs had changed by the time they returned, with half reporting a cut in hours or demotion. More than a tenth had been replaced in their jobs by the person who had covered their maternity leave† (Tracey McVeigh, 2013). Indirect discrimination is often less obvious. Sometimes, a policy, rule or practice seems fair because it applies to everyone equally, but a closer look shows that some people are being treated unfairly. This is because some people or groups of people are unable or less able to comply with the rule or are disadvantaged because of it. If this policy or practice is ‘not r easonable’, it may be indirect discrimination† (Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland 2007) One of the most famous indirect cases associated with one of the largest companies in the US being the Wal-Mart Stores. Wal-Mart had a case which started in 2000, when Betty Dukes, a Wal-Mart worker from California, claimed sex discrimination because of gender discrimination in pay and promotion policies and practices. During the negotiations almost 2000 women joined Betty, representing about 1. 5M women. On 20th of June, 2011, the Supreme Court finally closed the negotiations in Wal-Mart’s favour, as the unequal treatment was not clearly proved. On the other side employers and managers have to be very guarded and deliberate to avoid discrimination and promote equality. There are several details which have to be kept in the front view of management.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Psychology – Experiment on Stress

Introduction In this experiment we are going to describe stress and prove how can a prolonged exposition to it have a negative impact on memory. The definition of stress used in this experiment is: difficulty one suffers that causes worry, emotional tension or loss of concentration. The reason why this topic has been chosen is because stress is a part of nowadays, hectic society and it has a very noticeable effect on people’s performance, in either work or daily life. The outcome of this experiment could be used in several fields, such as education; to help reduce the amount of stress students deal with, so their grades could be improved.The results could also be used to enhance and boost employer’s efficiency, in the workplace field. The hypothesis is to test how short-term stressful situations can lead to memory dysfunction. The null hypothesis, on the other hand, is that stress has no impact on memory whatsoever. The aim of this experiment is to prove how stress prod uces memory issues. II. Design The most efficient and easiest way to carry out this experiment would be using repeated measures, using the same sample of participants in both sets of conditions, deceiving participants to avoid any internal validity issue.Allowing a long time gap between conditions or changing the mentioned conditions would avoid participants from finding out the aim of the experiment, or biasing it. Single blind is the best method that can be used in this experiment, opposed to double-blind, which would be meaningless, because if participants are told the aim they might do better than they would do in a normal life situation, and the study would lose it’s reliability.Since it’s a short-term based experiment and the same sample of participants is used for both conditions, the experimental group would perform a series of memory-challenging activities, and later on, the control group would perform the same tasks but under the influence of some source of s tress, in this case, loud music. There are no ethical concerns involved because no participant would leave with any kind of stress or anger, and they wouldn't be exposed to loud music for a long time. They would also be debriefed at the end of the study.The Independent Variable (IV) is the amount of stress received by any mean, and the Dependent Variable (DV) is memory performance. Other variables that shall be identified, since they are thought to have an impact on the results are the following: previous level of stress of participants, temperature of the room where the experiment is being held, room’ walls color, participant’s previous fatigue or mood, amongst others, which could be easily avoided by performing yoga classes and controlling the room were the experiment is being carried out. III. ParticipantsSince the target population is people living in Spain from the age of 16 to people aged 66, both male and female, it includes a very large number of people in whic h the outcomes of this study are going to be focused on, and therefore, a huge target population to choose from in order to get participants for the study. Therefore, the best sampling technique that could be used would be quota sampling, as it allows the researcher to split the target population up into various sub-groups, which in this case would solely be age and gender, because no other variables can affect/bias the outcomes of this experiment.Then, from this preset sub-groups, the researcher would deliberately pick out how many people is needed and what characteristics this people must have. There would be 5 sub-groups based on age and gender (each group ranging 10 years), each group adding up the total number of 25 people (5 per group ). Participants would be asked for consent after using them as the sample. IV. Materials Materials needed for this experiment are basically those involving any lab-related experiment.The primary materials would be a laboratory room or a classroom , equipped with tables, desks and chairs, as well as a board. Another room would be needed in order to perform the relax therapy sessions that would be useful for the experiment, so all types of equipment related to yoga is needed, such as mats, light weights, etc. The other type of material that is used is questionnaires on stress participants may have before performing any activity, a list of words for participants to memorize, and a set of speakers, which will be the actual source of stress.V. Procedures * Gather participants in a room and have them do a stress questionnaire to see what is their current level of stress. * With the results of such questionnaires split participants up into two groups, one including the more stressed people, and the other group the remaining people, participants should remain deceived until the end of the experiment. * Have participants from both groups take yoga classes (or any similar activity with the same purpose) so their level of stress is red uced and partially equal to one another.These sessions should not last for longer than 30 minutes. * This being done, have a brief group interview with them to see whether the relaxing activity was helpful and useful, if so, carry on to next step; if not, record the participants name in order to use this variables as a benefit when evaluating the results. * Make participants memorize a list of 10 words without any external stimuli such as noise or visual distraction, being given no longer than 10 minutes. Evaluate the capacity of the participants to memorize such words by giving them a test where they have to write down the maximum number of words they can remember. * Afterwards, make participants wait for 15 minutes in a room with a source of stress, in this case, noise coming from speakers, similar to the one produced by whistles. Then, give each participant the second condition, another list of 10 words with similar spelling and same grammar category, but still applying the sourc e of stress.However, participants are not going to be told that researchers are empowering this source of stress. They are given 10 minutes. * Have them write out a ‘quiz’ testing them on how many words they were able to memorize in this environment. * If any participant was showing any symptom of being stressed or not feeling good, make the participant take some yoga classes so they leave the experiment without any stress; debrief participants so that the experiment meets all ethical requirements. VI. AnalysisThe obtained data is quantitative because it is taken from the memory tests performed throughout the experiment, and a good way in which it could be presented visually and effectively would be by using bar graphs, such as the following, filled in with the recorded data. This graph lets us see the relationship between participants in both conditions, and easily compare performances. If participants were interviewed after performing the tests, we would also have qua litative data that would make our results more reliable.An area that could be researched on after performing this experiment could be how a prolonged exposition to stress could affect memory, as a way of looking into possible starters of psychological illnesses such as Alzheimer, etc. The outcomes of this experiment could be applied in a variety of real life situations because stress is at an increasing rate in our modern societies, and studying how it might affect people’s life is necessary. With such results, we could discuss how stress may slowly be deteriorating an individual’s cognitive capacities, such as memory, or completely disprove our initial hypothesis.The experiment was carried out with the most possible accuracy and passivity from the researcher in order to avoid any form of researcher bias. Participants were not told the aim of the study or the hypothesis; they were deceived to exclude participant’s bias, such as demand characteristics or the â₠¬Ëœscrew-you effect’. However, a potential problem that could suppose using the same sample of participants for both conditions is that the aim of the experiment could be found out and therefore, participants could somehow bias the study.Even though researchers tried to take all possible variables into account to reduce the possible effects on the results, some couldn’t be controlled, like the mood of participants or their previous exposition to stress throughout their lives, an important factor that can bias the study. On top of that, there’s a lack of ecological validity because the study was performed in a lab and not in the participant’s natural environment where they are used to, so they might not act normally in a lab environment.

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Analysis of Macy’s

An Analysis of Macys R.H. Macy such as tea bags, the Idaho baked potato, and colored bath towels that would get the attention of people forever. Macy’s also was the first retailer that would be the first to hold a New York City liquor license which would eventually increase their sales. By 1902 the store had become so large it relocated to Herald Square with over a million square feet, becoming the largest store in the world. On December 19, 1994, Federated Department Stores Inc. (now known as Macy’s Inc.) acquired R.H. Macy & Co., creating the world’s largest premier department store company (Macy’s Inc.). Before renaming as Macy’s Inc., Federated Department Stores had 400 stores and over 157 specialty stores throughout 37 states. Macy’s is known for their Thanksgiving Day Parade that began back in 1924 as the Christmas Parade. Celebrating its 75th birthday in 2001, the tradition has long lived for 84 years and has millions of viewers. R.H. Macy and Co., took out newspaper ads that would promise â€Å"a surprise New York will never forget† and to this day the parade is a piece of America (New York City Vacations). Macy’s is now currently known worldwide as one of the largest retailers selling men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing, accessories, shoes, and beauty. It also operates, an online website you can also purchase merchandise from. The company operates over 800 department stores and furniture stores across 45 states including the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico under the names of Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s (Macy’s Inc.). Its corporate offices are located in Cincinnati and New York. The red star that’s with the company name was adopted as Mr. Hussey’s representing a symbol of success. Macy’s Shares are traded under the symbol â€Å"M† on the New York Stock Exchange. According to Wikinvest, the stock price as of March 23, 2010 was 21.83 a share. Macy’s corporate vision reflects the â€Å"Spirit of America† in a sense that the past aspects that made our nation the way it is today are the same aspects that has shaped Macy’s in becoming such a valued industry. A belief in the promise of the future with the energy and determination to get us there. A belief that our heritage mirrors the optimism, inclusion and integrity that provide for both stability and growth. A belief that taking advantage of the right opportunities will continue to lead us to success in all that we do.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Promise to Abraham Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

A Promise to Abraham - Essay Example Then the lord answered Abraham that no one will be his heir apart from the one who will come from the body of Abraham. In addition, God went further and directed Abraham outside at night. Then he told him to count all the stars that he saw above the sky. God told he would bore as many children as those stars in the sky1. Abraham had great believed in God, and he accounted it to him for righteousness. The lord then told him that he was the lord who brought him out of the land of Ur of the Chaldeans, then gave the land that he was dwelling in at that moment to inherit it. Consequently, Abraham wanted to if he would inherit that piece of land2. Following this question posted to the lord, Abraham was ordered to bring with him a heifer, female goat and an old ram all three years in age, turtledove and a young pigeon. Abraham then brought all these to the lord, divided them into two equal parts, and placed each peace opposite the other, but he did not divide the birds into two. In addition , whenever the vultures tried to interfere with the staff Abraham drove them away3. The time was going, and darkness was approaching as the sun was going down. Abraham felt a deep sleep, he was in slumber land, and beheld darkness accompanied by terror felt to Abraham. Then the lord appeared to him and told him that since his off springs would be strangers in a ground that was not theirs, they would serve them and afflict them for four hundred years. This came to succeed the sunsets and it was dark, and instantly came a smoking oven and a combusting torch, which passed against those meet pieces. On this same day, the lord God made a covenant with Abraham and informed him that he had landed his descendants land to dwell in starting from river Egypt to the great river Euphrates of Euphrates. Then Abraham gave thanks to God and headed to his missions4. Analysis of the literary style and the characteristics of the passage Following the first scene (Gen 1-5), the chief is Abraham’ s seed. God seeks to encourage Abraham in his fear by affirming that his reward would be very great (15: 1). Abraham responds by questioning him about the validity of the reward since he is childless. The lord assures Abraham that his ‘’seed will be more numerous than the stars in the heavens (Gen 4-5). He promises Abraham again what he is going to do in the near future, the ‘seed’ promise is as certain as the reliability of God5. Genesis 15:6 breaks the narrative pattern, Mosses affirms that Abraham responded to God’s promise of innumerable seed with faith. Based on Abraham’s faith, the lord reckons him as righteous. He recognizes Abraham as his loyal servant with whom he will enter into covenant. Genesis 15:7-18 recounts God’s making of covenant with Abraham. The stress in this part shifts to land promised by the lord to Abraham. He encourages Abraham with the fact that he had removed him out of Ur to lend him the land of Canaan as hi s heredity. (15:7). Therefore, the inheritance to be given to Abraham’s ‘’seeds’’ refers primarily to the land (15-8). In response to Abraham’s question, God gives assurance by entering into a covenant with him6. The covenant ceremony begins with the familiar pattern of the lord’s command and Abraham’s faithful obedience. The lord commands Abraham to take him certain animals. Abraham obediently comply cutting and laying some of the

Surveilance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Surveilance - Essay Example ttempts to show how Michel Foucault’s notion of surveillance using the panoptic principle is in fact made manifest by the use of video and still cameras. Further, panopticism has been used as themes of various photo exhibits, no doubt inspired by the creeping feeling of being watched. The practice of placing individuals under ‘observation’ is a natural extension of a justice imbued with disciplinary methods and examination procedures. Is it surprising that the cellular prison, with its regular chronologies, forced labour, its authorities of surveillance and registration, its experts in normality, who continue and multiply the functions of the judge, should have become the modern instrument of penality? Is it surprising that prisons resemble factories, schools, barracks, hospitals, which all resemble prisons? (p. 228). In this particular passage, Foucault outlines the mechanisms that the prison uses in controlling criminality. On closer examination, what he in fact outlines are the mechanisms that operate within different social institutions. This is a noteworthy point, since the institutions that he mentioned, i.e. factories, schools, barracks, and hospitals, all function in essentially the same way as the modern prison. These all use specific procedures and techniques to discipline subjects. What follows is a discussion of Foucault’s notion of discipline as correct training, with its particular mechanisms and techniques. Foucault’s book was originally titled in French, Surveiller et punir. The translator, Alan Sheridan, explained at the outset the difficulty in translating the title itself for various reasons. Apparently, the French surveiller does not have a directly appropriate English counterpart. The term â€Å"surveillance† proved too limited, and â€Å"supervise† tended to be understood quite differently from what Foucault originally meant. In the end, Foucault himself chose Discipline and Punish, clarifying in the book that the term

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Write a dialogue in which John Hick, the astro-physicist priest (lets Essay

Write a dialogue in which John Hick, the astro-physicist priest (lets call him Father Tom) from Arthur C. Clarkes The Star, the Devil, - Essay Example Out main agenda was about Science and Religion and which theory of the two seemed more credible as evident in the Star by Arthur Clarke (Rabkin, 1980). John Hick: My evening is fine †¦ how about you? (He stretches his right hand to meet mine in a greeting. I realized that the lines on his face symbolized one who is deeply troubled by some questions he could not find answers to. So I interjected to help him think aloud about his woes). The narrator: Father†¦ why are you in the outside? I thought it would be fine if you were inside the room so that this candle could bring light into the room and scare aware insects†¦ you know†¦ things like that (I paused to allow him time to respond while he scrambled a seat for me to join him in the conversation). John Hick: (While supporting his cheeks, he began): Little one, you are yet to live the length of time I have been breathing. That is why you may not be able to understand some of these things. To begin with, I’ve chosen my outhouse ostensibly to come to terms with what religion and science has in store for us humans. John Hicks: The house is artificial; it technically obfuscates my vision of nature. The symbols of science such as the planets, galaxies, the moon, darkness, chirping crickets, wind are more real to me here than when I’m inside the house. With these symbols of nature so true and real, I do entrust my religious faith with answers as to their origin, but in situations where I’m certain that religion is not providing me with the answers that I need, I refer to Science. However, my main worries stem from the competing theories; I’m technically lost for though with regard to which side has all of the answers to nature. John Hicks: It is not that easy the way you think, my little friend. I must admit here before you that that the lines you are seeing on my

Friday, July 26, 2019

Project ManagementTo Build a Log Cabin as a Case Essay

Project ManagementTo Build a Log Cabin as a Case - Essay Example The goal of this project is to ensure that it remains within budget and that is completed within the stipulated time; most importantly, the project aims at ensuring that the customer is satisfied with the final product; beautifully built log cabin, just as the customer wants and expects it to be. This project report is made up of the following critical components and aspects. This project first analyses the projected project schedule and items, as well as the corresponding cost of each project activity; this I done by using two important project management tools, a network diagram, and a Gantt chart. Secondly, this report endeavours to analyse the main factors that may affect the progress and completion of the project. For instance, risk analysis is carried out, with the focus being on the main risk that might affect or impede on the success of this project; for this purpose, a project risk assessment form is used. The third part of this report looks at the project’s emergency plan; these entails the prediction of would be risks and proposing corresponding changes aimed at mitigating the identified risks. Additionally, this report discusses the quality aspect of the project; deals solely with the question of quality control. This entails factors such as project cost control and customer satisfaction, particularly, customer communication. Scheduling and time related issues are also addressed in this section with aim of ensuring that the timely completion of project activities as well as the entire project is guaranteed. Finally, this report reflects on the entire project and offers some conclusion regarding the project; this is with regards to the risk level and the overall quality of the project. This project enables us develop the ability to analyse and solve problems, and enables us to become more objective and rational thinkers. Project

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Discuss why business ethics is concerned with issues of ''right'' and Essay

Discuss why business ethics is concerned with issues of ''right'' and ''wrong'' behavior in business context - Essay Example Further, a company with a bad reputation because of unethical practices tends to have difficulty when recruiting or maintaining its workforce. In many cases, job seekers prefer to work for institutions that uphold business ethics while giving them the opportunity to expand themselves within the organization (Miller & Jentz 2008:49). The result of this is that the effect of business ethics spills over to a company’s consumers because they experience satisfying services because of the unity that exists within a company. Potential employees also get attracted to companies with good reputation, not to mention buyers as well. Good ethics will improve the society. If no one dies or gets hurt at work, there is no exploitation, and no one is complaining, then that means the society is moving forward. Good ethics at work places creates a favorable working environment that means there is teamwork and coordination that leads to more productivity and higher profits. According to research, fair and sincere ethics like correction and motivation at the workplace contributes to employee growth and organizational commitment by employees as this instills values and treatment with respect (Parboteeah & Cullen, 2013:57). Additionally, corporate ethics also prevents criminal acts as it aids in detecting and reporting cases of theft and unethical conduct to the respective authorities. A company that observes the required business ethics operates within a sense of pride as its work force extends its reputation beyond the workplace, which influences a stronger public image. Scholars have established that the relationship that exists between ethics and good financial performance tends to attract positive result that may include prosperity for the company (Sims, 2003: 240). In many cases, the business ethics tends to influence corporate social responsibility and guided leadership. In this regard, this essay will delve in to the four alternative views of ethical behavior in busine ss enterprises and explain on its link with the definitions of corporate social responsibility using examples. As per the existing definitions, ethics defines the set moral code of principles that denote good or the opposite bad, right or the opposite wrong in an individual’s conduct. Essentially, an individual’s moral principles draws influence from family, culture, friends, learning institutions, religions, and personal experiences. Ethics and the moral code yield ethical behavior, which is relatively the acceptable ‘good’ and ‘right’ instead of the ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ within the context of regulating moral code. In many cases, society and individuals tend to view anything practiced within legal parameters to be ethical, but this may not necessarily be the case (Schermerhorn 2011). A better-placed example of this would be the way in which women could not participate as voters in any democratic process because it was la w. On the contrary, a practice may not be illegal, but this does not warrant it ethical as adhering to the law may not be entirely ethical (Lussier 2012: 69). In relation to a business setting, there is no justification when an employee skips work in the guise that they are sick with their intention

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


TO WHAT EXTENT HAS TESCO DELIVERED IN ITS CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILTY FOCUSING ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL DIMENSION - Essay Example The government of developed economies like United Kingdom is working on produces legislations and different policies to safeguard the nature and environment from harmful practices of the different industries. To this end, the paper divulges to research the significance of protecting the natural environment in the light of Tesco’s corporate social responsibility dimension. 2.1 Background into CSR The social responsibility of a corporate firm is increasingly being tied up with factors to safeguard the natural environment. In this regard, Hay, Stavins, & Vietor (2005) observe that the corporate norms of responsibility towards the society must be extended to encompass the natural environment. However, several debates take place for some experts do not feel the importance to extend the social responsibility concept of business to embrace environmental factors. Hay, Stavins, & Vietor (2005) state that the natural environment must be incorporated as another stakeholder for the busine ss like suppliers and government. The responsibility of the business in protecting the natural environment of the geographic region has a strong ethical standing. Business firms are expected to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

BREEAM scoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BREEAM scoring - Essay Example â€Å"It includes assessment in nine different categories: Management, Health and Well-being, Energy, Transport, Water, Materials and Waste, Land use and Ecology, Pollution, Innovation.† (Stubbins 2010) This rating system emphasizes on the use of environmental friendly building material and focuses on the material and procedure used and adapted that cause the least harm to the environment. â€Å"BREEAM made major changes to the system, including introducing new environmental weightings, mandatory credits and the two stage certification process, design stage and post-construction.† (Yudelson 2009) The University of Glamorgan holds a prestigious place in the field of education. Located in the South Wales it has three campuses catering to the local and international students with fields from all over the world. Its accommodation is rated as one of the best in terms of residency and facilities. The BREEAM rating for the University’s halls have always been over and above the pass rating. The old Glamorgan halls have always scored in terms of the management, health services, energy conservation and minimum pollution. However the newer halls of the university are more technological oriented and have a better rating in terms of their BREEAM score. The University is currently introducing its carbon reduction at its residential projects which will help reduce pollution. The accommodation planning at Glamorgan use ideas of energy conservation and material usage in order to implement and adhere to the environmental friendly regulations issued by the BRE. The accommodation uses au tomatic power shutdown in order to avoid unnecessary usage of electricity. However, apart from the University’s eagerness to adhere to the BREEAM scoring and have sound BREEAM rating there are still some issues that need to be addressed. In terms of its environmental policy, there is a lacking of the community involvement resulting in the inefficient management of water and waste. The University

Locke’s Second Treatise of Government Essay Example for Free

Locke’s Second Treatise of Government Essay Introduction In this essay, I would like to discuss Locke’s Second Treatise of Government section 131. This essay is divided into four parts. In the first part, I would like to interpret what Locke’s position is developed in section 131 and in the next part, I would like to discuss how Locke supports this position by tracing back to the origin of government. Then in the third part, I would like to point out some flaws in this position by arguing evidences provided by Locke to support his position. The last part of my essay is the conclusion. Locke’s Position in Section 131 In section 131, Locke explained that the ultimate aim of uniting a society is to protect the security and property of the people and developed the position that the society should never extend its power farther than the common good of citizens because its supreme power is originated from the consent of people. In a word, according to Locke, the society is obligated to secure their property and is limited by the consent of people. In order to prove the limits of the government, Locke traces back to the origin of government: why man is willing to give up his freedom and subject himself to the dominion of a commonwealth instead of staying in the state of nature where he has right to everything. Three Inconveniences in the State of Nature According to Locke, for a rational man, the reason why man is willing to surrender their rights, though man has right to do anything without being affected by the will of others within the law of nature in the state of nature is the uncertainty of his preservation. The enjoyment is unsafe. Because man is partial to his own interest and is lacking awareness of the law of nature ‘That being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions’ (Chapter 2, Section 6) and there are probably continual invasions of others. As a result of this, there are three inconveniences under those circumstances. The first inconvenience is that there are no such established and well-known laws which can be used as the standard to judge what is right and what is wrong so that everyone is uncertain about their future and their property including their security, estate and possession etc. Or if there is a united society, The second one is that there is no popular and indifferent judge to rigidly distinguish between right and wrong by the established law. Everyone can be the judge himself in the state of nature, but they always tend to bias to themselves, their friends and families. The third one is that there is no power to ensure the punishment. In the state of nature, everyone has the right to punish whoever breaks the law of nature. According to Locke, it is executive power. But that may put them in a dangerous situation so that the punishment is hard to be carried out. The origin of the Government According to Locke, due to all these defects in the state of nature, people were thinking about uniting a commonwealth. Surrendering their rights to a sovereign which can use the supreme power to protect them is a remedy. The right of government comes from its subjects, and the government can never override them. Locke’s Solutions to Restrict the Power of the Government and My argument From my perspective, I think Locke’s position on the limits of government seems kind of idealistic. The biggest question is how citizens can ensure that after the government gains the supreme power, it does what it is expected to do as original intention. Political power has a character to expand itself. If there is no limit of power of the sovereign, even though he is a man who has a good virtue, it is still uncertain that he governs the society following the law without any extemporary decrees all the time. Hence, Locke provides three solutions to restrict the power of the government. There might be some fIaws in them. I would like discuss all of them below step by step. The first solution that Locke provides is that the government is limited by the law established by the consent of the majority. When the sovereign rules the state, he must obey the laws which made by the majority rather than govern it by his own will. â€Å"And so whoever has the legislative or supreme power of any commonwealth, is bound to govern by established standing laws, promulgated and known to the people, and not by extemporary decrees† (Chapter 9, Section 131) From my perspective, obviously there is no coercive power to guarantee that the government is run by the law except revolution (I will it discuss in the third point.) Moreover, it is also questionable whether there exists such kind of law which is able to represent the common good indeed. Even in our times when the legal system is more developed than the times when Locke lived, a large number of flaws can be found in our laws. Locke argues that laws can be updated. But no matter how up-to-date the law is, it still cannot cover everyone’s interest. The universal of controversy cannot be avoided as long as people are in the different situation. Locke himself admitted that when man enters into a society, he gives up his equality â€Å"when they enter into society, give up the equality†. (Chapter 9, Section 131) As there are different classes of citizens, they must have some different interests, which make them in different statuses of society. There is no contradiction unless there is no difference among people. Even that we are equal before the law, we cannot be protected by the laws equally. For instance, is a person is too poor to afford a lawyer, when his right is impaired, he cannot protect his right by law means and if a person has not studied laws, his property might be invaded without knowing it. If the inconvenience is caused by the ignorance, there is no distinct difference between the state of nature and the commonwealth. Furthermore, if there are conflicting interests between a person and the government, it will be in a dilemma. In this situation, if the person protects his own interest by law, interests of government will be impaired. And in the long run that may lead to the impairment of interests of more  people even include the first man who tried to protect his interests by law. Locke may argue that in his second method that he advocates the division of political power and that he divides supreme power into three: legislative, executive and foreign power. What the government has is just executive power. The parliament has right to making law. And the government is run by the law. How can it do beyond the law? Moreover, the legislative power which belongs to citizens is always higher than executive power. It is one of the greatest contributions of Locke that he advocates to make legislative and executive powers apart, but in comparison to three individual powers: legislative, executive powers and judicial review in political system today are employed, like the United State of America, It is not hard to find out the lack of judicial review in Locke’s theory. Locke only divided legislature and executive branches. It seems that the structure of the government created by Locke is less developed than that of today. Without judicial review, the balance of power is weaker. Even our modern society in which there judicial system exists, the administration tends to gain power from time to time. For example, under the circumstance that judicial review exists, it seems that the strength of the president becomes stronger and stronger in the US. Moreover, Locke thinks that legislature could be formed of not only representatives but also the noble or a single hereditary person who has an executive power. â€Å"Let us suppose then the legislative placed in the concurrence of three distinct persons. 1. A single hereditary person, having the constant, supreme, executive power, and with it the power of convoking and dissolving the other two within certain periods of time. 2. An assembly of hereditary nobility. 3. An assembly of representatives chosen, pro tempore, by the people.† (Chapter 16, Section 213) That weakens the strength of legislative further. Even though those two solutions cannot completely ensure the government is run in the right way, Locke provides the third solution that people can take back their rights that they gave to the government by revolution and transfer rights to another sovereign if the government breaks the law of  nature. However, another problem may rise. There is the limit of revolution that Locke provides. According to Locke, the revolution could be legimate only carried out by the majority. What if what the government did is just harmful to the interest of the minority? Can the government united with the majority benefit from the minority by abusing their rights? The only thing that they can do is bearing subject themselves under the exploit. I do not think that Locke himself would like to become one of the minority members in that situation. Sometimes the good of the majority is not necessary the good of the minority. That is also an action of beyond the common good. It can be imagined that the consequence of benefit from doing harm to a small group of people is no difference with a political system of tyranny. In conclusion, Locke supports his statement that the government can only do the common good and never override citizens by tracing back the origin of the government. Because of three inconveniences in the state of nature, people are willing to transfer their rights to a government. The right of government comes from the consent of people, so it can never extend farther. And Locke provides three means to limit the power of government. However, I suggest that there might be some difficulties to carry out these measures. There is no such coercive power to compel the government to play its role by laws. Furthermore, there is a doubt if such kind of laws representing the common good existing. And there is no judicial review to decide whether and when actions break the law. The action of revolutions does not working all the time. The rule of revolution Locke provided may be the legitimate basis of putting the minority in the tyranny of the majority. But in any case, Locke’s theory shows us the end of the society and the idea, the balance of power, and directs us to think about the way to improve the political system and make it more democratic.

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Definition of the Word Trust Essay Example for Free

A Definition of the Word Trust Essay When you think of a very special quality everyone should have, trust is the first thing that comes to my mind. Being able to trust someone is very important. We have to trust people in our lives every single day. Trust helps us to have relationships and friendships. Trust is defined as believing in someone in the dictionary. Although this seems simple, it is not that easy to understand and comprehend. Trust has a deep meaning as we continue to grow and change in life. We go through many things that make us change as we live, grow, and experience different challenges. Trust is believing in someone with your whole heart and believing that he or she will take care of it or appreciate it. There are so many types of trust. Three type of trust are: trusting in a family member, trusting in someone special, and trusting in friends. With our family members, we have deep trust. They have been through everything with us and most of deep dark secrets. They have been there for us during the good times and the bad. They watched us go through elementary, middle and high school. Your family has been there to watch you mature and become the person you are today. We have deep trust with them because they took care of us when we were sick or needed someone to cry on. Since we tell them everything, we are the most attached to them. They know when we are acting strange or weird and can tell when we are sad or ecstatic. They share all kinds of memories with us and understand what and where we have been. We let family know almost everything about us. We go back to them when we have nowhere else to go. We trust them with our lives because we know no matter what, that they will always love and care for us. Another kind of trust is trust in someone special or someone that we think is our true love. See more:Â  First Poem for You Essay We tell them everything about us because we believe that they really care. We tell him or her things that we keep to ourselves because we believe that he or she has committed to us. It takes a lot of time to have this kind of trust in a relationship. It takes a lot of time to confide our secrets and personal issues in someone else. When you have such a deep trust with him or her, there should be no secrets. There are no secrets when you truly love each other. This kind of trust is just part of the commitment to each other. In this commitment, you trust each other to be faithful, respectful and to always be there for each other. Another type of trust is the trust between friends. We let our friends know about some of our secrets. We keep the deep dark ones away from them. We also try to hide our past and do not trust them right away because we have had friends in the past betray and hurt us numerous times. We do not trust them right away because we do not know about their life or their past. We do not know where they come from or what they believe makes a good friend. So we as humans hide our feelings and do not trust them. It is only when we spend a lot of time and slowly open up to each other that we become closer and can eventually trust them. Trust cannot be given. It has to be earned. It is not as simple as believing. Trust is earned. When you earn trust, you realize that you can tell him or her anything and they will still be there for you. Trust is not easy to earn though. You have to really believe in the other person and know that they will not let you down. Therefore, trust is very important to humans everywhere. Trust is a huge factor of unity and without it people cannot live in unity. Only you can fully understand trust in your own way. Trust is having a special place in their heart and you having special place for them. Finally, trust is the base for all relationships and friendships. Without trust, we cannot find the true meaning of life. Trust is a must for everything in life.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Childs Safety In Mind Children And Young People Essay

Childs Safety In Mind Children And Young People Essay A good early childhood environment meets the childs basic needs and supports and encourages children to engage in activities that implement the programs curriculum. the environment is designed to enable staff to facilitate the optimum learning for their children. the environment makes parents and guardians feel welcome, involved, and empowered. Kids often trip or tumble so the play space should accommodate this with safety precautions. Local building codes for childrens indoor play areas are also important to ensure the area meets all standards during the construction phase. An early childhood environment is many things: Its a safe place where children are protected from the elements and are easily supervised, and its where the important activities of the day take place, such as playing, eating, sleeping, washing hands, and going to the bathroom. The success of an early childhood environment is not dependent upon aesthetics and design alone. Places Children Can Call Their Own. A basi c human need is the need to belong. Children need to feel they belong, too. They need to be close to people they know, have familiar and comfortable objects, and be in a setting that has a personal history for them. Early Childhood Environments Should Be Functional for Both Children and Teachers Accidents- leading cause of death for children. Most deaths could easily be prevented, so it is important to keep your childs safety in mind at all times. Children are most commonly exposed to lead by the ingestion of paint chips or dirt that is contaminated with lead-Those days lead was an ingredient of paint, so children living in older homes with chipping paint are most at risk for lead poisoning- Reviewing your homes risk for causing  lead poisoning- avoid purchasing older toys at yard/garage/rummage sales. Some may have been recalled for lead paint- eating foods that are cooked or stored in imported or glazed pottery. Make sure older buildings contain no lead, asbestos or other toxic materials. Your community health department or child care center licensing agency can put you in contact with experts who can take samples of paint and other materials for official findings. Learning to use  baby products  correctly and according to age appropriate recommendations. Putting  door knob covers  on doors that you dont want your child to open, including the bathroom, rooms that arent childproofed. Checking the floor regularly for small items and toys that younger children can choke on. includes marbles, balls, uninflected or broken  balloons, small magnets, and small toy pieces. Keeping all of the  top household poisons  out of your childs reach and in a childproofed cabinet. Ice pack-angin medicine-kids panadol-first aid-updated regularly. You can prevent falls and/or things falling on them; As with infants, be sure to secure chairs, tables, shelves, lamps. so they cant pull them over on themselves. If you have windows that they can reach, be sure they are screened, open from the top, or keep them closed and locked. If you cant- barricade them. Installing  smoke alarms  and  carbon monoxide detectors.- common sources of carbon monoxide ex posure include:- Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Oil and gas furnaces Motor vehicles Stove/Gas range Placing latches and  locks on cabinets  and  drawers. Installing a  stove guard  in front of the stove to keep your childs hands off the burners. Securing appliances, including the refrigerator, dishwasher, and oven, with an  appliance locking strap. Installing covers on electrical outlets- Take a look around your home at your electrical cords- move them out of reach.   Be sure your stairways (stairs, porches, decks, lofts, etc.) have railings- if possible one that a child can reach. If your steps are prone to being slippery, put tread mats on them or carpeting- something non-skid. If you are using a high chair for toddlers, be sure they have a wide base (so they cant be tipped over) and always use the restraints. Never leave your baby unattended in the bath. Be sure your smoke alarms are working properly. SAFETY SCISSORS-dap equipments! A baby gate should be an important part of every home with children. These items safely block off different parts of the house that are potentially dangerous to toddlers such as staircases. If there are any areas of the house that your toddler should not be going to yet, then you definitely need to find a gate to keep them safe. Ideally, they should be easy to install sturdy and be made of materials that are safe for your toddler. guidelines for buying the best one possible: A frame that connects to a door frame and does not have any gaps for the heads or fingers of children. Be sure there are no sharp edges. Do not use gates with potential foot holds. Do you have toys or objects like marbles, legos, etc that have a diameter of less than 1 1/4 inch (about the size of a half dollar) or have detachable parts? If so they need to be thrown out or put away and NOT USED in your daycare for toddler safety/ Keep all plastic bags and Styrofoam packing out of their reach for toddler safety-Choking/suffocation and Poison hazards Common sense tells us to keep all medications, cleaning supplies, insect poisons, bug spray, weeds killers out of reach or locked up. be sure that all sunscreen, perfumes, and cosmetics, alcoholic beverages, vitamins, and pet supplies are as well. Do not chemically treat your yard, use insect/rat poisons, or weed killer when the kids are present.  Also, can the kids get behind your T.V.? If so, move it so they arent able to. If you have your computer, DVD players, cd players within their reach, move them up high so they cant.  Keep lighters and matches out of reach. Be sure your toilet lids are always closed. Always keep sharp objects out of a toddlers reach. Only takes a couple of seconds for those to become sharp! So are the edges of an aluminum foil/plastic wrapping box! There must be two exits out of each child activity room. One exit must lead directly to the outside. There must be a fire suppression system throughout the facility. Follow guidelines-health/fire departmnt. Th e building will need to have high ceilings to accommodate the main play structure. We recommend between 5 and 6 meters. Insurance?Equipment made of?-high quality. Matainance-carefully evaluated and assessed on an annual basis. If you have a working fireplace, wood stove or space heater, is it safely screened and inaccessible to children? Are privacy locks on bathroom or bedroom doors inaccessible to children? Can the lock be opened quickly from the outside? Does the kitchen meet fire safety standards? Is fire protection available within a short distance of your center? Does the center have adequate hand washing and toileting areas in the rooms occupied by children? The location for the preschool play area is one of the most important decisions- Choosing the location for each piece of play equipment takes some time and consideration. An open space with plenty of room for active preschoolers is essential. The room also needs some degree of security depending on the particular situation. In a child care setting, a room that is easy to monitor and keep secure is more important. Avoid areas with high air pollution/near gas stations where there are underground or above ground gas/oil storage tanks. Survey-surrounding-road-CAR parks. Once the location is established, the foundation of the room begins to take shape. Responsive/Stimulating-Not overwhelming(DAP)(colours). Because so many child care facilities have limited space, it can be challenging to respond to the uniqueness of each child within a collective environment. Young children have unique personalities and needs that require us to respond to them as individuals, not as members of a group. Th e environment must be responsive to this need. Ease of cleaning, maintenance, supervision, cost, and adult aesthetics should not detract from providing spaces children feel are designed for them. Children need to have private areas, secluded corners, lofts, and odd-shaped enclosures. Individual cubbies for each childs clothes and belongings, photographs of home and family, and at least a couple of secluded areas where two or three children can gather allow children opportunities to maintain their individuality and break away from the group to avoid over stimulation. Accurate measurements of the area help with the indoor play equipment selection. It also helps when choosing and purchasing the floor covering. A soft flooring option helps prevent injuries when children fall off of the soft play equipment. Preschool children often fall; soft surfaces such as mats underneath protect the kids. A rubber floor covering is a common option for a childrens indoor play area. It helps absorb the shock when a child falls from short play equipment. Gymnastic mats are another option for the area. These floor mats also help absorb the shock. Foam mats are also used for kids play areas. Local building codes governing childrens play areas might have specific requirements for the floor covering so its always a good idea to check first. A floor plan of the room helps determine the layout of the childrens indoor play area. It should provide a mixture of play equipment that is appropriate for preschool-aged children. The budget will influence the selection of the equi pment. Soft play equipment is a popular option if the budget allows. These special pieces of equipment are designed to prevent injuries as the young children play on them. Evaluate the entire center, including the playground, hallways, and bathrooms. Hire professional-know 1st aid/***- handle young ones-follow RATIO. knowledge and understanding of infant/toddler growth patterns and developmental needs are critical in providing appropriate care and experiences. Creating play zones that separate the different types of play equipment increases the safety of the childrens indoor playground. Consider the amount of space each toy needs, including a buffer area to allow easy movement. The types of activities that go well together are also a factor. Once the arrangement is selected and the soft play equipment and other play areas are set up, a final walk through is needed. This test run checks for a good flow in the indoor play area to make sure the kids wont constantly run into one another. Kids and adults should easily move around all of the play equipment. A clear line of vision for the adults from all vantage points in the room is another key factor to check during the test run. Noise making area separate-quiet ones. Managing noise is important in a classroom. Placing carpet on the floor absorbs noise as absorbent tile on the ceiling. The reading center should be next to a quiet area like the art area. Blocks are loud, and should be located next to other loud areas such as the woodworking bench. Noisy activities can also be placed in transition areas or moved outside in good weather. group size, the developmental stages and the infants/toddlers needs shall determine the amount of space and spatial organization. The environmental needs of non-mobile infants are different from those of mobile infants, as space becomes a crucial consideration for young infants developing gross motor skills such as crawling and walking. The use of appropriate barriers is necessary for the safety and protection of younger infants. Dividers are any physical object that serves to delineate areas within a classroom, create interest areas, control traffic, and distribute children throughout the classroom. Almost anything can be used as a divider, so long as it is safe shelves, couches, fabric hung from a line, streamers attached to the ceiling, folding screens, puppet stages, etc. Safety is obviously a critical issue. Some dividers are easy to push over. The larger and heavier they are at the bottom, the safer. A divider can also be secured by fastening it to the floor or a wall. Several equipment companies have introduced dividers that attach directly to storage units and furniture. Ideally, dividers should be multi-functional for use as storage units, play furniture, and display boards.  Keep in mind that solid dividers or walls of more than 30-40 inches high disrupt the circulation of air in the classroom and limit supervision of children. Less solid dividers, like fabric, avoid this problem. One teacher creatively used colorful fabric streamers attached to the ceiling as effective dividers. Unlike traditional classrooms, early childhood environments need to support both basic functions and learning activities. Look around your classroom from a childs perspective. Are toilets, sinks, windows, faucets, drinking fountains, mirrors, towel racks, chairs and tables, tooth brush containers, and bulletin boards at the childs level and child-sized? Are classrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and eating areas close together so that children can develop self-help skills and important autonomous behaviors? Like children, teachers also need to have spaces that are functional. Teachers need to be able to arrange and rearrange their classrooms for various class activities and supervision purposes. Classrooms that include permanent, built-in features such as lofts, playhouses, tables, benches, alcoves, and cubbies can be problematic. These types of fixed features make it difficult for teachers to create areas for gross motor activities, can cause injury in active children, or prevent inclusion of physical activities altogether. Classrooms built as a basic shell work best. Adaptations must be made carefully for any child with special needs, be they physical challenges, learning disabilities, or emotional issues. Brail and large lettering can be used for children with visual impairments, and sign language can be incorporated into the curriculum for those children with hearing impairments. Reducing distractions, glare, and over stimulation helps accommodate children with ADD and ADHD. Visual images are an important part of developing a feeling of belonging in all children, so it is important to display pictures of single parent families, grandparent families, and homes of every race and ethnicity, including interracial, multiethnic, and adoptive families.  The entire center should also reflect diversity throughout the world race, ethnicity, languages. Storage areas are a little like entrance and exits-they receive lots of traffic and are noisy and congested. For these reasons, storage areas can sometimes foster disruptive behavior and noise. Provide easy access to materials, allowing children to get what they need quietly and easily. The closer materials are to where they will be used, the better. Storage must also be designed so that materials for independent child use are separate from those teachers control. Activity Area Access. Activity areas need to be located next to supplies and be easy to clean up. The classic example is the art area. While providing easy access to paint, easels, paper, and brushes, the art area needs to be close to a water source and on a surface that can withstand a mess. Similarly, the reading area must be close to book shelves, magazine racks, and comfortable places to sit. CHILD SAFETY This is especially true once their children become mobile and start crawling their way into trouble.  Child safety is a very sensitive issue and importance for it is rising in the recent times with the rising cases of child missing, child injuries, child labor and so on. As a social citizen; it is your duty to support child safety awareness and this could be best done by protecting your own child from the world. efforts which you put to save your child from any of the dangers. Saving your child is extremely easy as it mainly includes one precaution which if followed by you can surely make a change. This precaution is that you need to keep a constant eye on your child. The areas for play, diapering, feeding and napping shall be set up to maximize contact between the caregiver and the infant. These areas shall allow the interaction to be unhurried and quiet. Areas (especially play areas) for non-mobile infants shall be separate from those for mobile infants. The napping area shall be physically separate from other activity areas. Partitions or other suitable barricades shall be used to separate the napping area from other areas. The outdoor activity area shall be suitably surfaced and well-drained. The outdoor activity area shall be equipped with a variety of age-and developmentally-appropriate toys and equipment. The outdoor activity area shall also have shaded areas. Cribs/cots shall be of sturdy construction with closely-spaced bars. Each crib/cot shall be occupied by only one infant. Each crib/cot shall have a firm mattress and it shall be covered with vinyl or similar moisture-resistant material. Cribs/cots shall be arranged so as to provide a walkway and work space between the cribs/cots sufficient to permit staff to reach each infant without having to step over or reach over another infant-observable. Separate facilities shall be provided for food preparation. Food preparation utensils and equipment shall not be used for other purposes. Sufficient and suitable facilities shall be provided for the sterilization of milk bottles. Sinks with running water shall be provided near the diaper change area at a ratio of one sink for every 10 infants /toddlers aged 18 months and below. Sufficient potty chairs shall be provided for the infants / toddlers- kept separate from the kitchen/food preparation areas. Sleeping infants shall be placed on their backs rather than on their fronts to ensure that their breathing is not interfered. Any other soft materials that may potentially block the airways such as pillows, blankets, comforters, and bean bag chairs shall be removed. Feeding equipment and all surfaces used for food preparation shall be sterilized after each use. Liquid soap shall be used and hands washed under running water before and after diapering before and after preparation of meals and feeding an infant when in contact with bodily fluids such as mucus, urine, saliva or faecal matter Disposable paper towels shall be used for drying hands. The diapering area shall be disinfected with each diaper change. Soiled diapers shall be placed in plastic bags and disposed of in a covered bin, preferably with a step pedal to reduce the risk of contamination. Log book RECORD-allergies/ diaper changing routines/ feeding times/ injuries/visitors

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Alternate Energy Sources :: essays papers

Alternate Energy Sources WINDMILLS The reason why I chose to do a project on windmills is because I would always drive out to Palm Springs and I would see these huge thing’s that looked like something out of a star wars movie. When I got closer to them I realized what they were. They were windmills. Once I knew what they were I wanted to know what they did, my mom told me that they provide energy. Windmills are made of parts such as the rooter electric generator, speed control system and the tower. When there is a large group of windmills, they are called wind farms. Wind farms are located in deserts. Because wind mill farms are usually in the desert the energy has a long way to travel to get to a town. Some advantages to the windmill is that it’s a renewable source of energy and it’s very cheap, the energy that comes will never run out because the sun gives off convection currents which the energy from windmills will never run out. Another great thing about the wind mill is it needs very low maintenance. Some cons to the wind mill is that they are not as people would like. Because the wind has no rules you can’t always depend on it. You can’t save up wind mills for when there is an energy crisis like right now. People complain that windmills are too noisy, but since not that many people live very close to them its not that big of an issue. A very bad problem with windmills and a sad one is that the blades of the windmills kill lots of migrating birds. In the olden days they used to use windmills for energy to grind grain. In factories they would use windmills to saw wood. During the 1800’s in America people would use the mills to pump water. Wind power is the fastest growing form of energy.

Prejudice Against Native Americans Essay -- essays research papers

Prejudice Against Native Americans These people began migrating thirty thousand years before Christopher Colombus "discovered" the Americas. Native Americans migrated from Asia, crossing a land bridge where the Bering Strait off the coast of Alaska is today. Over the centuries these people spread throughout the continents of North and South America. Since the arrival of the Europeans in 1492 the American Indian has been dehumanized, decivilized and redefined into terms that represent a dominate European view. The Spanish explorers under Colombus were the first to use the terms "Indian" to mean a Native American. These explorers were under the false impression that the had reached the West Indies. This term is still used today. From the first interaction with the native peoples the Europeans inatiated dominance and superiority. There are three distinctive reasons that the Europeans were able to dominate and later oppress the Native American culture such as; the Native American relgious beleifs and practices, the lack of interaction between Native Americans ans Europeans and the lack of orginization of the Indian tribes. All of these aspects had a strong influence the Europeans to become dominate figures on the Native American land. These factors can still be attributed for the way that Native Americans are viewed in society today. After the Revolutionary War the new United States government sought to gain land through treaties. Th...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Indigenous People :: essays research papers

Indigenous People Indigenous people are those that are native to an area. Throughout the world, there are many groups or tribes of people that have been taken over by the Europeans in their early conquests throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, by immigrating groups of individuals, and by greedy corporate businesses trying to take their land. The people indigenous to Australia, Brazil and South America, and Hawaii are currently fighting for their rights as people: the rights to own land, to be free from prejudice, and to have their lands protected from society. Indigenous People of Brazil and South America The people indigenous to Brazil and South America are an extremely noteworthy group. The Brazilian population originally derives from four ethnic sources. From the beginning, the country has been a mixture of many "races" of people. Of these, are the native Indians, the colonizing Portuguese, the enslaved African blacks, and the various immigrant groups from Europe and Asia. Many of the indigenous tribes are quarreling with Brazil's officials and businesses. Rainforests are depleting at a rapid rate and, as they are a home to many indigenous tribes, is causing great turmoil. Although the Constitution of 1988 claims to recognize the indians' "original land rights to the lands they traditionally occupy" and promise that these lands will be "demarcated" and "protected", the Government Agency Funai is charged with the demarcation of of nearly fifty percent of the lands(PeaceNet). The report claims that, "in reality, most most indian lands whether demarcated or not are coveted for some form of development." This claim is substantiated by the fact that "mineral concessions have been made on fifty-eight percent of all demarcated indian lands, while thirteen percent are affected by hydroelectric projects," (PeaceNet) The link between global environmental change and the rights of indigenous populations results from the close relationship between indigenous people's cultural and economic situations and their environmental settings. Therefore, if the environment of the native Indians of Brazil continues to be changed and removed, the people born on these lands will be exterminated out of existence. Additionally, many societal views of the indigenous people is killing them. The Amnesty International report, as commented upon by PeaceNet cites one occasion in which a thirty-five year old Macuxi Indian by the name of Damiao M endes was found lying face down on a muddy riverbank, shot in the neck. Nearby lay his nineteen year-old nephew, murdered by the same means.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Home School vs. Public School Essay

Schooling is an important decision in educating children. In today’s world more and more families are choosing to home school their children. While there are advantages and disadvantages to both options. The major factors in deciding which option is best are the learning environment, the curriculum, and meeting the needs of the child or children. Advantages: Home School Learning environment. Children within the home school environment are more likely to be calm and comfortable in his or her home. The children will not have the peer pressure of the public school, but the children will have peer pressure from his or her siblings. The children may also show competiveness to one another. A child will feel safer in his or her home surrounding which will give them a better success rate in his or her learning and testing scores (Public School vs. Home School). In a recent study children that are home schooled, test in reading, language, and math are in the 88th percentile, whereas public school children are in the 50th percentile (Home School Domination). Children are more comfortable with his or her family which let the child have less fear and allow them to focus and study more. The beneficial factor of home school is the child or children can create a bond with his or her family, and a closeness that lets the child or children learn at his or her own pa ce, and feel comfortable with his or her learning style, for there is no right or wrong way to learn. Curriculum. There are many types of home school curriculums a parent can choose to teach their child or children. In order to choose the right option the parent addresses the child or children and makes a choice based on his or her needs. Some of the curriculum options are the traditional approach, the unit study approach, the Charlotte Mason approach, and the un-schooling approach (Educational Philosophies Defined). Curriculum can be taught as long as a child needs, when it is best suited to learn for the family and the child or children, and how the child learns best (Public School vs. Home School). Home schooling allows for a shorter day, where learning can be taught in a few hours vs. a few days or weeks. The schedule can be modified to the needs of the child or children, field trips can happen more frequently, visits to museums and art galleries can be offered, and daily activities  outside the home can create hands on learning of the child or children’s environment. Meeting the needs of the child. Home school offers a great advantage of the child or children’s needs being meet on a daily basis. Parents can take the time to sit one to one with the child and allow adequate time to teach them and make sure the child is understanding what is being taught. Some children may not need one to one and excel at a rapid pace and at home the parent can make sure the child has adequate amounts of learning so the child does not get bored. The parent can also offer a wider variety of activities, creativity, and unique ways to teach their child or children (Home Schooling vs. Public Schooling: The Pros and Cons of Home Schooling). Some children may learn to read in certain positions or places where they feel comfortable and safe, some children may learn counting with toy cars vs. counting cubes, and some children may learn science with experiments. These are all things okay to allow a child to do while being taught at home. These are all options to offer the best possible learning, for a child and meeting his or her needs. Advantage: Public School Learning Environment. Public schools offer children the ability to interact and work with others (Advantages of Public Schools). It provides academics and skills to use and apply for interactions with peers (Advantages of Public Schools). Children in a public school setting have more exposure to a variety of teachers and curriculum, such as foreign language, art, home economics, shop, welding, physical education, drama, music etc. (Advantages of Public Schools). The higher number in students gives opportunities to work in groups, do projects, and team sports. The learning environment gives an understanding of diverse backgrounds and the ability to build dynamic skills for the real world (Advantages of Public Schools). Curriculum. Most states are adopting the common core curriculum for the public school system. â€Å"The Common Core State Standards provide clear and consistent learning goals to help prepare students for college, career, and life† (Common Core State Standards). The curriculum of language arts, literacy, and math offered in public schools offer basic classes to advance classes. A general focus on the curriculum is giving the students the ability to learn with a strong foundation in basic skills for life and work success (Wyoming Public Schools). Not only is the public school system  focusing on language arts, literacy, and math they also offer a wider variety of extra-curricular classes that help children learn. This gives the children more experiences of what to expect in higher education. Meeting the needs of the child. Public schools have the No Child Left behind Act. This has allowed the public school system to treat each child as an individual and as a whole child (National Education Association). It requires the teaching staff to address each child’s physical, emotional health, and well-being. It requires assurance that students are actively engaged in varying experiences and settings inside and outside the classroom (National Education Association). â€Å"The public education system is critical to democracy and its purpose, as reflected in this Act, is to maximize the achievement, skills, opportunities, and potential of all students by building upon their strengths and addressing their needs, and to ensure t hat all students are prepared to thrive in a democratic society and diverse, changing world as knowledgeable, creative, and engaged citizens and lifelong learners.† (National Education Association). When a parent is deciding on the education of their child or children there are many factors to take into consideration. While there are many more factors to consider than what you have just read, the decision is ultimately the parents and what fits for their child or children. Home schooling seems to give the more flexible approach and the benefits of that in its self are endless. Public school gives many opportunities that home school may not offer as the child or children get older. In general the facts are what matter most and that is the learning environment, curriculum, and meeting the needs of the child and each one of those are met either in home school or public school. Works Cited National Education Association. Meeting the needs of a Whole Child. Web. 15 Oct. 2009. â€Å"Public School vs. Home School.† Education Bug. Web. 16 Oct. 2014. â€Å"Public School vs. Home School.† Public Schools. Web. 16 Oct. 2014 â€Å"Preparing America’s Students for Success.† Home. Web. 20 Oct. 2014. â€Å"Wyoming Public Schools.† Wyoming Public Schools. Web. 20 Oct. 2014. Martin, Jaime. â€Å"Educational Philosophies Defined, Part I – Simple Homeschool.† Simple Homeschool. 21 Feb. 2011. Web. 20 Oct. 2014. â€Å"Some Fascinating Facts about Home School vs. Public School† Home School World. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Co-Operative Bank IMC

Executive Summary The Co-operative stick Is invigorated Sealants only believe that Is own by its customers. Formerly simply a Building Society, the entrust Is now aspect to grow its customer plant as a fully registered commit by dint of a variety of avenues Including appealing to the third scholarly person commercialise. This compensate foc aims on the incorporated commercialiseing communication theory needed for accurately tar contriveing the 3rd market. Firstly, It out seams a situation analysis including a PEST analysis, a foe analysis, and the indicate market and the modeling of the Co-operative aver with regards to its competitors.The communication scheme looks closely into the coin affirms contemporary communications erectings. This analysis foc procedures on how the companies heart and soul combines with its with the resourcefulness use in its advertising. The media dodging outlines how the company has used awargonness, universal and sense str ategies in its communications to print the third market. Objectives atomic number 18 then outlined to tin scope for the avows future MIMIC activities. Finally, the report tolerates recommendations (Including personal selling, promotion and public relations) and improvements to wait on the deposit r apiece Its objectives In the succeeding(prenominal) 12 months.As technology is al bearings ever-changing it is important that marges ar continuing to modify and straighten out changes to their digital platforms to continue to be competitive in the market. 1. 2. 4 purlieu -Environmental itemors do non harbor a massive impact over the Co-operative trust forever climate change turn in rough effect on the achievement of pertly Zealand businesses abilities to save and service loans. infracticularly as juvenile Zealand is an agricultural establish society and climate change disrupts commonwealth processes. 2 Competitor Analysis In the third lingoing sector there a r 5 main p go downers that the Bank moldiness compete with.Each has their own drawer stock- hitherto the reality is the base package distri nonwithstandingively bank offers is in truth similar and in terms of bes, the banks offer educatees free or relatively free banking See auxiliary 1. On top of this each bank differentiates itself by offering extra make water that are enticing to the student lifestyle. 2. 1 ASP ASP, as well as a relatively free base package, offers students free fries at McDonalds each time they use their card. This gimmick is photogenic to students as it elbow room offer students a immense overdraft and a txt when funds are running first base. 2. ANZA Ann.s 3rd package is peradventure the least gimmicky of the big banks. They offer kind branches and Tams on campus as they are conscious a student is often time poor. 2. 3 BENZ Bans Younger is known to be extremely innovative and in tune with a third audiences preference for good, simplistic w eb design. Their point of difference is an assiduity leading web application that makes handling finances, something that student wee-wee great clog doing, every simple. 2. 4 Westward Wa tonusapers civilize-age tiddler Pace, historically, has used gimmicks some(prenominal)(prenominal) as a free $25 upon sign up and a free pizza to ingest the tertiary audience to bank with them.In the pertinacious term they also offer a save and win scheme that entices students to bank with them to win money on the money they choose to save. 2. 5 Kickback Kickback has peradventure the almost(prenominal) comprehensive banking package. Their extra services complicate software to swear out manage your money, no commission currency conversion, free use of ANZA Tams on campus and free txt banking. This shows they are very much in tune with the requirements of creation a student in New Zealand which animations Kickbacks main draw card of the bank being a New Zealand own bank. 2. Co-ope rative Bank The Co-operative Banks student package is by contrast the least comprehensive. They offer a top interest rate of 5% however their main drawer, even for students, is still the fact that they are not honest New Zealand possess kindred Kickback but owned by the New slanderer that bank with them. Growth and Maturity of the exertion New Zealand banks have enjoyed strong maturement in lending since the 2008 global downturn. winnings however, are down due to change magnitude regulatory pressures and strong competition in the lending market (KEMP, 2013). Operational revenue and Profitability At the end of 2013 monetary year, the bank recorded pelf out front rebate at $mm (The Co-operative Bank, 2013). $1 m of this was distributed to customers. As at thirty-first December 2013 operating revenue reached $4. Mm (The Co-operative Bank, 2013). 5 Strategic Goals The Co-operative Bank has an boilersuit strategic focalization on achieving semipermanent refillable growth, based on co-operative principles (The Co-operative Bank, 2013). 6 physical object Marketing The Co-operative Bank preys those in the tertiary segment who are motivated by good values.These students, generally 18-25, forget be those who are wary of the new(prenominal) big banks and the values they stand for. They al minuscule foring consist of students who are above the some an separate(prenominal) banks gimmicks and would sort of see their money purchase some goodness rather than get free fries, for example, from a controversial multinational. They result have a solid student lifestyle with a low income, low outgoings and impart airlessly not have any dependents. 7 Market post competitors try to outdo each other with clever marketing and competitive rank they are, compared to other industries, barely distinguishable from each other.As shown in regard 1, the Co-operative Bank occupies a position that is relatively separated from its competitors in terms of perceived cost and on a values based analysis. gens 1 Positioning of New Zealand Banks This position clearly demonstrates to their rump audience that they are set apart from their competitors as an alternating(a) to banking in system where banks are driven y profits for their (often overseas) investors rather than by the values of and profits for their New Zealand owners/customers.Section 2 8 Communication Strategy Since the banks bind in 2012 the bank has focused its communications on improving low ken. It is spearheaded by the heart driven by your successfulness, not our profit this focus departing encourage the bank achieve its goal to bifurcate its customers within 5 years (Stoppers, 2014). The light upon kernel the bank requisites to convey to its target audience is that it is a values-driven bank that plays circus in a banking landscape that is view of as the opposite.They use a label image strategy to convey that although they are able to take calculated risks for the gather of their customer-owners, they want their audience to know they want their activities to be transparent and above the line. The main figure used by the bank is the infinity sign that consists of the 2 gs in Co-operative Bank, known as the prosperity circulate- See formula 2. The closed circuit is conveniently extracted from the banks name and symbolizes its goal of creating prosperity, not profit, surrounded by the bank and its customer-owners with the derives flowing between the two entities.This symbol associates effectiveness customers with the blur and its objectives of being round mutual make headway and true sustainability. (The Co-operative Bank, 2014, p. 2) Figure 2- The Prosperity curl The loop is replicated though all forms of media advertising upgrade insisting to its customers an ongoing sense of mutuality and support. In print media, the loop headline type treatment overlays both(prenominal) the heads of customers or their children and links them to the banks message, connecting a potential customers emotion to the advertisement.The loop could so be seen to symbolism a feeling bubble, further personifying the banks message. See figure 3 Figure 3- Print Advertisement This advertisement takes queues from thought leadership marketing as it shows a young, seeingly wealthy man thought positively about the banks differentiation strategy. As this man represents a lifestyle students aim to participate in and the target market can now link him to the Co-operative bank. In theory, students leave be more(prenominal) plausibly to think positively about, and possibly pith the bank.This links back to the banks goal of two-base hit its customer base in volt years and helps the bank on their way to achieve it. Another stigmatize familiarity used is the companies warp palette. The palette is distinctively fresh and focuses on a graphic green color see figure 4. This associates the brand with being fresh and distinctive as well as with growth. vivid context. This is important to the brands image as it reflects on New Slanderer emotions as a clean, green nation and may help the target market to associate with the bank as an extension of their patriotism.Also the mix of the color green as a symbol of natural growth and money is a reflection of the banks views on sustainable banking. Further, it associates this judgment to the Co-operative Banks brand ND reinforces to tertiary students that their principles pull up stakes bring growth to their money in a sustainable way. This is particularly relevant to the target market who circulating(prenominal)ly have low incomes but potential to growth their outlay in the abutting few years. For them it means the bank is on their side and wants to work with them to grow their money in a sustainable way.Figure 4- Color Palette 9 Media Strategy and Appropriation The company, carrying out its awareness strategy for growth, used a all-embracing mix of media mediums including a focus on print but also consisting of a television mite, audio advertising, and limited social media (Backbone, Linked in and Youth) to target a wide range of possible customers (Stoppers, 2014). The tug is centered on presenting the banks differentiation from other banks as a New Zealand owned bank and the fact it is 100% owned by its customers.Although there was no media directly targeting tertiary students, the Co-operative Banks mix of mediums will have some effect on this target market. Using a universal strategy, as in this case, the bank reaches a large amount of potential customers. It also provides the bank with economies of shell. As a small bank, although not ideal, this strategy is relatively appropriate as, there is limited budget for large scale advertising. The bank has opted to pull resources together rather than loose budget to smaller and perhaps less successful strategies.This is at the cost of targeting particular demographics, such as the tertia ry target market, with media strategies tailored to their particular motivations but allows the bank to target all New Slanderer who feel strongly about banking with a New Zealand bank that shares profits with its customers. The content of the advertising draws on aflame strategy and uses a lot of loyal imagery ouch as beach shafts, trout fishing, and parting and cafe coating.These are scenes of New Zealand culture that rouse patriotism in most New Slanderer and this helps the bank not only reach people who will be interested in how the bank functions due to their patriotism but propound others of the benefits of sticking the bank. This is appropriate for the bank as it is harnessing current events (such as the class carry out a slayst fees and the 2008 global downturn that have caused a cultural shift in New Zealand society in that people are more skeptical of banks) and building on the emotions they feel .It is hence prudent for the bank to target the majority of society a s the majority of society will be motivated by this emotion to Join the bank. 10 Objectives 1. Increase top-of-mind awareness aim of the Co-operative bank within the tertiary market by 50% within the succeeding(a) 12 months 2. Increase knowledge within the tertiary market about the benefit of owning the bank they are banking with by 50% within the Bank within the next 12 months. 1 Improvements The weakness of the Banks current MIMIC plan lies in the fact that it has not tailored the plan to target specific groups such as the tertiary market. This suggests that the relationship between The Co-operative Bank and its tertiary customers is not as connected as it could be. To improve this, the bank does not needfully have to change its message because as outlined prior, the patriotic and anti-status quo message used by its current offering will appeal to this market and also make the most of the banks industry-relative limited budget.The bank instead should work on making these messa ges more accessible to the tertiary market in order to improve the communication lines of the banks already strong message. Relationship Reach accept tertiary market specific imagery in print advertising thither is a lack of tertiary specific imagery used by inventive in the print media. There are a variety of children and young professionals and although some students may see these people as aspirations, they may also feel excluded and therefore disconnected from the banks message as the images are unrepeatable to them at their current age.Create an agile twitter account that backs up the banks brand image but also feels like it is maintained by a tertiary student. It will post breaking banking discussion and intelligently debate key players in the banking industry. Create a presence on campus by locating brochures at campus student finance office staffs Make brochures available that provides step by step fiscal prep for students that is branded with Co-operative bank. The br ochures will also provide information about the Co- operatives services.The content will be so effective that campus financial planners will recommend them to students. This will extend students knowledge about the bank. Change billboards near tertiary institutions to have very tertiary student age appropriate creative. contribute a scene to the television spot that is directly relatable to by majority of tertiary students. The advert currently has scenes that will appeal to only a select part of the target market I. E office employees and trout fishers.Adding a tertiary related scene with strong tertiary markers will sustain the banks relationship with students as they will feel included in their advertising. Promote banks message at campus fairs. Sponsor tertiary events 12 Promotional Mix Recommendations 12. 1 general Relations and its association based values. third students will be selected to spend a day in the life of partnership organizations with a particular emphasis on organizations that purport the interests of tertiary aged students such as canteen and be followed by a documentary team..The outcome will be a documentary series posted on Community Loops Youth. These videos will expect to be picked up by local media and be interesting nice for students to want to share on Youth. 12. 2 Personal Selling At campus events, the bank would loan its employees to event to handle the financial aspect of the event and at the homogeneous time inform students of the banks offerings- supporting and promoting the banks message that it works within the community in a positive way.For example, at the nun Games, Co-operative Bank employees in community loop uniform will handle tag end processing at the gate and have the community loop marquee providing auspices for students. Employees will hold conversations with students about the banks offerings and message. much(prenominal) a presence evokes brand awareness within in the student community and at the same time, shows off the banks tertiary product. 12. 3 Sales Promotion The bank stands out among other banks as it does not offer students gimmicky promotions with its package See supplement 1 .There is an opportunity here for the Ann. To offer a promotion to students that does not seem as lightweight and also gain attention of the students who are likely to lurch to the bank because of its message. The promotion will support the banks community centered message and lark about a system wherein if you sign up you get a free nonmoving pack (bio-degradable and from sustainable sources) and a child from a low decide school in the local area also gets a pack.The stationary will give the banks Community Loop logo. 13 work out 13. 1 Objective-and-Task Method The bank would use an objective and task rule to localise the role advertising will lay for the Co-operative brand and, the budget has been set accordingly. This method has been chosen as it allows the bank to focus on the obj ectives based on the needs of the bank and therefore reinforce the banks strategy rather than the needs of other factors such as what competitors are doing or how much they can afford.